



Church office hours are 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM, Monday through Friday.

If no one is in the office, please leave a message and someone will return your call just soon as we can.


At Westminster, we hope you find our congregation warm and inviting to all. Most folks try to dress in their Sunday best, whatever that is for them, but there is no expected dress code. Morning services begin at 10:55 am with announcements before beginning the worship service. When you arrive, you may sit anywhere you please. Feel free to meet and greet (regular attendees will want to introduce themselves and welcome you), or you may choose to sit in on our service as a mere observer, and we welcome you to do so. You do not have to be a Presbyterian to come to our church or have ever even worshipped in one.


Bulletins handed out when you arrive make clear the Order of  Worship, which basically walks you through what is happening in each part of  the service. The Order of  Worship guides people of  all ages to engage in worship through singing, praying together, confessing sin, hearing God’s assurance of  pardon, reciting historic creeds, and reading God’s Word. The service ends with the minister pronouncing a benediction or a blessing to remind you of  the promises heard in worship so that God’s people may go into the world to do God’s will with confidence in His care. We consider ourselves a hospital for sinners, not a museum for saints.


What We Believe

Westminster Presbyterian Church follows the tradition of the Protestant Reformation and is built upon our one infallible authority, the Word of  God. The Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed are brief summaries of  our beliefs and the fuller expression in the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms.

We offer numerous opportunities to study God's Word and to learn more about HIM.

  • Prayer Meeting and Bible Study (Wednesday Evening)
  • Adult Education
  • Youth Education
  • Jr. and Sr. High - Fusion.
  • Elementary (K - 5) - Several different classes based upon grade level.
  • Small Group Meetings
  • 20's and 30's Fellowship and Bible Study.
  • Women's Ministry Circles
  • Hannah Circle
  • Esther Circle

Please contact the church office for meeting times and locations.


Westminster Presbyterian Church supports numerous missionaries working in the United States and around the world.  Several of them work in sensitive areas and must remain anonymous.

Leadership & Staff

Rev. Nathaniel stamper

Our Pastor

Nathaniel Stamper is a husband to Kelsey, his high school sweetheart, who is a Certified Public Accountant, and both are parents to their four children, Moses, Eden, Elijah, and Iris. Nathaniel was born in Maryland but moved to Lancaster, Pennsylvania as a teen, neighbors with the Amish. Here, he grew to know the Lord Jesus as his Savior. Nathaniel graduated from Lancaster Bible College and studied at Westminster and Knox Theological Seminary. In addition, he has served as an associate pastor in Lancaster and teacher in a Classical Christian school. He enjoys reading, going on walks and road trips with his family, discovering new foods and restaurants, and riding his bike. His favorite Christian authors include John Calvin, Herman Bavinck, Francis Schaeffer, John Frame, Timothy Keller, C.S. Lewis, R.C. Sproul, Paul David Tripp, and David Powlison.

Amy Warren

Amy Warren was born and raised in Vicksburg, MS. She majored in Business Administration at Mississippi State University. She has been the Church Secretary since 2016 and the Bookkeeper since 2020.

shelia stone

A native of Vicksburg, she has returned to the organ after a 20-year hiatus. During this time, she cared for her mother who eventually became bedridden. She has a BA from Millsaps and an MA from Mississippi College with post graduate work from both LSU and the University of GA. She has taught every level from elementary to sophomore at LSU. She has been with MS. Preswic and has worked with other non-church groups. She is an active member of the local YMCA as well as a member of the Colonial Dames of America and First Families of Mississippi. She feels fortunate that she has Billy Trotter, who taught her her first lesson, as her current organ teacher.



mark monroe, clerk

gordon sluis

terry warren


phil kirk, treasurer

charlie lutz

Building and Grounds

will mcfarland

mercy Ministries

danny mcphearson

gil smith

Vice Chairman

george stubblefield


al mashburn


Women's Ministry

Frances warren

valerie gatewood
Vice President & assistant Church TREASURER

gayle neihaus


alison whitney


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